Statement of Faith

(Bold text is clickable.)

This is my statement of faith. Mine, not yours. I don’t expect everyone to agree with all or even most of the following beliefs. That would be unreasonable. But since time has become too precious a resource to squander on doctrinal spats, I must insist that anyone seeking to correct my erring theology take their hermeneutic heroism elsewhere. Thanks ever so.

This website, i.e. me, Obie, believes:

1. That Yahshua (Jesus Christ) is both Yahweh (God) in the form of a man and the Son of God. How can he both? Because He is a Spirit and is not limited by the laws of time and space and physics as we are. Nothing is impossible for Him. It’s amazing how much controversy the is-He-the-Father-or-the-Son? issue generates when the Bible’s position on it is clear. Ironically, every one seems able to accept the fact that Yahweh has always existed, which is a hugely mystifying concept that’s no easier to wrap one’s tiny understanding around.

2. That the white European people, Britons, Americans, Germans, Australians, et al., are the Hebrews/Israelites of the Bible and are the biological sons and daughters of the living God.

3. That the people known today as Jews are imposters masquerading as God’s chosen people and are the biological children of the Devil.

4. That Christianity is a religion for racially pure whites exclusively. Christ said He came only for the lost sheep of the House of Israel, all of the members of which were and are white. There is no epistle in the New Testament written to any group of non-white people.

5. That God will reject us for being racially mixed if we possess even the tiniest amount of non-white DNA. Scripture does not support the belief that we can be 95 percent or 99 percent white and still be acceptable to God. A little leaven leavens the whole lump.

6. That the Bible was written to members of the Adamic race and to Israelites, a subset of the Adamic race, in particular, so when it uses language like every creature and all men, it means “every white person” and “all white men,” not every man and woman on Earth. Universalism teaches that the promises and covenants in the Bible apply to all races, but it is a doctrine unsupported by Scripture.

7. That every tribe of Israel will be saved, but not every Israelite will be. Being of pure Adamic stock in and of itself is no guarantee that we will enter God’s rest. Like Esau, we can lose our eternal salvation for disobeying God. John warns us that to hate a brother is akin to murder, and that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. The belief that even recalcitrant Israelites will live forever, because Daniel writes of their being raised to shame and everlasting contempt is specious, for in the same verse he differentiates between them and those Israelites raised to eternal life. God is forever merciful, but it is highly doubtful He will show mercy toward diehard antichrists and child molesters, making them spend eternity wearing the spiritual equivalent of dunce caps. People such as these will be cast into the (metaphorical) lake of fire. As to what everlasting contempt is, the Bible doesn’t say, but it is likely that held by God and His saints for white people who spurned the eternal glory that had been offered them.

8. That full-immersion water baptism, though not a prerequisite for eternal salvation is a public sign of a godly conscience. The contention that water baptism is nothing more than a pagan ritual isn’t a valid one. Christ was baptized, as was the Apostle Paul and many other saints. Why on such a momentous occasion in Church history as the Day of Pentecost would Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost and fire, stand before the crowd of faithful and tell them to engage in a pagan ritual?

9. That there is no hell, as it is traditionally known, where sinners spend eternity in physical and spiritual torment. When God eliminates the wicked He will simply snuff out their spirit and they will be no more.

10. That a supernatural Satan exists. There are instances in Scripture where the word Satan is used in reference to flesh and blood people, and there can be no doubt that the Jews are a kind of collective Satan, but there are also instances where a supernatural entity, the same one who tempted Eve, is being referred to.

11. That a man is to be married to one woman only, which is why God didn’t create two or more mates for Adam. Marriage between one man and one woman was His perfect will for Adam and Eve then and is His perfect will for us now. Polygamy caused the patriarchs no end of problems. That many of them adopted this practice should not be seen as a biblical endorsement of it. David plotted an innocent man’s death after having sex with his wife. Should we follow David’s example because he was a patriarch? Proverbs tells us that it is a good thing for a man to find a wife. Wife, singular. If finding multiple wives were as good as or even better than finding one wife, Proverbs or some other book in the Bible would surely tell us so.

12. That God’s name is Yahweh. God is what He is, but Yahweh is who He is. Similarly, Jesus Christ’s name is Yahshua. Christ is a title, not a surname, and Jesus is a transliteration of the Greek Iesous, which itself is a transliteration of Yehoshuah, the Hebrew word for Joshua. None of us will be cast into outer darkness for addressing Yahweh and Yahshua by their more commonly used appellations. Even this website uses those terms from time to time, especially in something like this statement of faith, which is aimed at readers who haven’t yet converted to Christian Identity and might be puzzled by the correct but more foreign-looking terms. But just as we prefer to be addressed by our proper names, Yahweh and Yahshua prefer to be addressed by theirs.
