Jeromy Visser: A Blameless Bishop? (Updated)

Doctor of slander and master of sockpuppetry Jeromy Visser claims that his is the only genuine Christian Identity ministry and that he is the only genuine Christian Identity pastor. He doesn’t actually believe these claims. He’s crazy but he’s not that crazy. However, he knows that if he can convince enough of the more gullible members of the CI community that he is Yahweh’s nearest and dearest preacher, he’ll be able to put Uber Eats on speed dial.

Visser’s go-to Scripture for establishing—or attempting to establish—his DSCI (Dual-Seedline Christian Identity) bona fides is 1 Timothy 3:2, A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach. I’ve highlighted the first part of the verse because that’s the only part Visser ever quotes. While he might meet the husband-of-one-wife requirement, he doesn’t meet the others, so he simply ignores them, as well as those in verses three to seven of the same chapter. Only someone unaware of Visser’s often sexually florid trash-talking—he once threatened to baptize me in his semen—or foolish enough to overlook it in the unscriptural belief that expounding the CI message cleanses the expounder of all sin could possibly think he meets the good behavior requirement. To be a blameless bishop, one must meet all the requirements. Yahweh doesn’t give us the option of cherry-picking them.

Christian Identists [read: Christians] who fall afoul of Visser can expect to be called falsely Jews, pedophiles, homosexuals, and FBI agents with a thing for entrapment, not just by the “Blameless Bishop” himself but by a legion of web-based detractors who will suddenly appear out of nowhere, employing the exact same obloquy as he.

Ray Bunzow, a Christian Identity pastor, experienced this curious phenomenon after inheriting the late Pastor James Wickstrom’s ministry, which Visser insists had been bequeathed to him. Bunzow documents his hassles with Visser in this video.

Such was Visser’s hissy fitting over losing out on “Wick’s” potentially money-spinning ministry that he concocted a news article “verifying” Bunzow’s alleged (by Visser) predilection for kiddy-fiddling. The URL in the image below, which points out that this is Bunzow’s third sodomy charge, leads to proof in the form of an error message. Note that the reporter goes out of his way to stress that it was Bunzow alone who destroyed Wickstrom’s ministry. You can count on Scoop Visser to cover the waterfront.

Now, how do I know for certain that Visser posted the “article”? Because no one but Visser and his multiple online personalities, all of whom use the same syntax and phraseology, have ever accused Bunzow of being a pedophile.

What does the Bible have to say about liars?

Revelation 21:8
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

What does the Bible have to say about slanderers?

Proverbs 11:9
An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour: but through knowledge shall the just be delivered

What does the Bible have to say about deceivers?

Psalm 101:7
He who works deceit shall not dwell within my house; He who tells lies shall not continue in my presence.

Would a biblically approved bishop lie, slander, and deceive as if it were as standard a practice to him as drawing breath? Nod your head with alacrity if you’re Pastor Jeromy Visser.

I guested on an episode of Jonathan Machtemes’ Obry Projekt. After the show, the “Blameless Bishop” stormed the comments section under a couple of different names including, incredibly, that of the man he swears is a pedophile, and demonstrated why his CI ministry is the only one worthy of your time and money. But especially your money.

Visser posting as the man he reckons is a pedophile.

Visser is referring here to my old avatar image, which is of me as a 12-year-old. He knows it’s a pic of me because years ago, when I had the appalling misfortune of co-hosting a podcast with him, I told him it was. Apparently, I am the only “pedophile” in history who molests himself.

The topic of discussion for the show was the abduction and in many cases murder of white men in wilderness and urban areas of the United States and elsewhere in the world. I theorized that Jews were the likeliest culprits. Visser theorized that Yahweh was.

Visser posting as Jimmi Jones.

In the following screenshot, Visser disavows Christian Identity.

Visser, posting as Jimmi Jones, disavows CI.

But in this next one, taken of a post on his forum, he declares his love for it. Hey, it’s a double-minded man’s right to change his mind.

Two thirds of the people who post on Visser’s forum are in fact Visser. This goes for most of the forum’s regulars, such as K-2, seedliner, Joe, and BUZZBOMB. These fabricated chips off the old block serve two purposes. First, they enable him to dupe the unwitting into thinking he has plenty of corroboration for his slander and thus must be telling the truth. And second, they give prospective tithers the impression his forum is a happening hangout where fellowship and validation abound.

In the next series of screenshots, Visser, posting as himself and then not as himself, achieves comedy glory with some alternating assessments of his “best friend”.

Visser loves Wickstrom.

Visser loves Wickstrom.

Visser loves Wickstrom not.

Visser hates Wickstrom.
Visser loves Wickstrom.

Visser loves Wickstrom.
Visser loves Wickstrom not.

Visser is partly motivated by his love of money and loathing of work. When his coffer starts to run low, he’ll compel his followers to refill it by threatening to expunge his forum or stop “Godcasting”, or he’ll rebuke them for being tightfisted bastards. (Serves the tightfisted bastards right if you ask me.) He’s even been known to creatively reinterpret Scripture to boost his cash reserves. Yahweh doesn’t mind, though, because he’s married with children.

So many damned horseleeches.

But when all else fails, Visser will dial up the shame-and-pity meter until it explodes with a resounding BOIIIINNNNG!

Pastor Visse is piss poor.

There’s also a genetic driving force behind Visser’s misdeeds. One need only glance at a happy snap of the bloke to see that diversity enriches his DNA.

Could Visser be a Hittite?

With his sky-high cheekbones, strung-out eye sockets, and swept-back cranium, the Dirty South’s most blameless bishop would fit right in playing Jew’s harp at a Hittite hootenanny. This fact alone excludes him from holding any form of Christian office, for not only must a bishop be blameless, he must also be white.


I’m sad to report that Pastor Visser is in hospital after being involved in a shocking car accident. He’s in such a bad way that he barely has the strength to ask people for money. Here is the latest on the situation from his (new) forum’s admin.  Any resemblance between the admin and Visser himself is purely a figment of a wicked, overly suspicious imagination.


From the old Christian Identity Australia forum comes this random collection of posts highlighting the oily shenanigans of one Pastor Jeromy Viscous

With his investment in Yahweh’s Truth failing to pay dividends, Visser was forced to return to panhandling online.

How many ingrates failed to give Visser what they duly owed him? This many!

Maybe it’s Visser’s happy cigarettes doing all the writing, but 700+ hundred? Does he mean more than 700, or more than 700 x 100, which would make it 70,000? If it’s the latter, then no wonder he’s dumbfounded. Don’t these thousands upon thousands of insensitive bastards know he hasn’t eaten in two and a half hours?

It seems Visser’s recollection of Demsky’s Jewishness is a little on the hazy side. Permit me to refresh your memory, Pastor Jeromy. This is an audio grab of Demsky admitting, yet again, he’s a Jew, during a chat with your spiritual advisor, Marty “Just Because You’re CI Doesn’t Mean You Can’t Love Kikes” Lindstedt, on his TalkShoe podcast, “Anything Goes.”


Alas, Visser is more broke and desolate now than he was the last time he was broke and desolate. This time he’s completely broke and desolate, whereas last time he was just mostly broke and desolate.

In keeping with his forum’s proud motto of a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways, Visser has returned to his Wickstrom-was-a-great-guy-oh-no-he-wasn’t shtick. This is him posting as BUZZBOMB.

This is him posting as admin.

A word to the witless, Jeromy. If you’re going to slander someone by calling him a homosexual, then your slander must be consistent; otherwise, it defeats the whole point of the exercise. For example, in the following comment you posted on BitChute, you call me a homo, then a few sentences later accuse me of lusting after women. So am I a fag or a sex-mad hetero? Make up your mind!

Posting in the Eurofolk chat room as eli214 so people will mistake him for Eli James, whose username is eli124, Visser pronounces the “suicide” and “death-bed repudiation of Christian Identity” of Pastor Steve Anderson.

Posting on his forum as Seedliner, he “confirms” the above pronouncement:


On one edition of the Obie and Visser podcast, a guy called Paul Demsky outed himself as a Jew. I gave him strict instructions not to call into the show again. But call in he did when I’d clocked off for the day. Knowing full well that Demsky was a son of Satan, Visser would have friendly chats with him, sometimes for up to half an hour at a time. I had to threaten to leave the show to get Visser to cease these biblically disapproved exchanges. Fast forward a couple of years, and after being exposed as a genetic devil himself, Visser called into the self-admitted Jew’s podcast and ordained him and another Jew, Peter Goodman, aka Newsguy.


While some might argue that Visser wasn’t being serious in the above clip and that he ordained Demsky and Goodman only as a joke, the fact remains that he actively, knowingly sought the “sympathetic” ears of two members of the serpent race, three if Intern too was a Jew. What genuine Christian Identity pastor would do such a thing?

Here Demsky praises the “only true Dual-Seedline Christian Identity preacher.”



Lately, whenever Visser wants to make a particularly offensive comment about one of his growing number of detractors, he posts under the username of Paul Vargio. He does this so that if any of his financial contributors, those not working for the FBI, takes offense at “Vargio’s” demonic postings, the Blameless Bishop remains blameless.

  • Wow I remember that guy from my old Stormfront Theology Subforum days 10 or 15 years ago. I had completely forgotten about him until i read this post.

    He was always a big champion of legalizing marijuana back then. I always argued that it was a Commy hippy drug and always will be.

    It turns men into apathetic lazy pacifists weak in both mind and body. If the Babylonian Idumean Khazar parasites had their way it would be mandatory for all goyim in much the same way that the Gates Foundation pushes governments to institute mandatory vaccines.

    From the looks of that photo however I think he graduated beyond the gateway drug a long time ago. Hes lookin rough.

  • I remember on the old blog and your excerpts of emails from Visser to you. He is a very sick puppy. A carbuncle on the butt of CI. His unending references to homosex are troubling to say the least.

  • So now I finally see actual pics of Visser. OMG. Are you effing kidding me? That is no pastor of anything. He looks like some filthy outlaw biker, or maybe an ANTIFA dirtbag. Seriously.

  • Bunzow seems like a good man. Gotta finish watching that vid when I have more time.

    The state of Visser’s teeth can be explained by meth use, in my opinion. And the ponytail……what’s up with that?!

  • Interesting character and not in a good way. Based on his words and deeds I agree that he is prolly working for the enemy.

  • I live in the same state and have spoken with Visser and was on his site. My mother said if you can’t say something good about a man, then say nothing at all. Where I live, they call the guy Geronimo. We still have a Christian Identity church in the metro-Atlanta area, so we aren’t sweating a guy that bans people off his site for questioning his infallibility.

  • This jewemy jewronomo hisser character is a disgusting filthy degenerate mamzer bastard, he is a Heinz 57 varieties urinal of dna, you can tell that just by looking at him and those who can’t see that have zero discernment.

  • I recognize his name! Definitely remember reading something bad about Vissor on the net from a CI guy on Faceberg who was def the real deal. Maybe 2 years ago? I am so sick of the scammers, kikes and feds trying to undermine our cause and message.

  • I guess my question is; how can you “steal” the truth? Once you find the truth you want it to spread like wildfire. Why would it upset you that people are spreading the “Good News”?
    And from the lectures I’ve watched of Wickstrom, he always says to share his work, just as long as you don’t clip it out of context.

  • Mr. Visser does not act or look like a legitimate CI pastor. Or even a CI adherent. So the question is: Is he just a weird-o in our midst, or a poser working for our enemies, or both?

    • My guess would be both. He has turned his forum into a ghetto twice now, so he is literally paying to talk to himself. He must be on someone’s pay roll otherwise why do it at all? Let’s be honest: if he shut down tomorrow, there is nobody who would even notice… least of all care.

  • This is a great article. He is a truly hateful bird, and it is good to see him called out. Truth is, his only good shows were with Obie!

  • It turns out that the slew of comments posted in this thread under the name of Andrew Carrington Hitchcock were in fact made by the impoverished half-bearded Jew pervert Martin “Mad Dog” Lindstedt. They have been deleted, a fate that I’m sure Yahweh will soon see to it happens to Marty himself.

  • Just checking in after way too long. Glad to see the site is still up, and hope you are well, Obie. You are as real a deal as we’ve ever had in CI.

    • G’day mate. Still doing well and still alive, apparently. Haven’t posted anything in a month of Sundays. Hope to correct that soon with a special tribute to a special man, and a brand spanking new racist story.

      • Good news. Always remember that, judging by the comments, there are at least a few of us out here who are listening, and appreciate this site. I really need to be here more often and doing more study in the “reads” section.

  • Why did ‘Dr’ Wickstrom work with Visser for so long? Teacher Ray warned ‘Dr’ Wickstrom, but he stuck by Visser and even defended him. One look at Visser is enough to get anyone’s suspicion bells ringing, so what was going on with ‘Dr’ Wickstrom?

    • He didn’t bother to look at any of the photos or video footage of the Blameless Bishop, especially the more recent ones.

      • That does not explain anything unfortunately. He knew Visser personally and ignored the advice of teacher Ray.

        • My understanding is that they never met in person and that the only contact they had with each other was over the phone and on podcasts. But I could be wrong. As much as I liked some of Wickstrom’s “lect-chores”, I’m not here to defend the bloke. When Visser told him I was gay, he believed it without question despite the fact that I had spoken to him some years earlier on a podcast I co-hosted with Visser.

          I didn’t know that Bunzow had his issues with Visser prior to Wickstrom’s death. I thought that came afterward, when Visser accused Bunzow of being a pedophile in the hope that Wickstrom’s flock would give him their shekels. What did Bunzow say to Wickstrom about the Blameless Bishop?

          • Maybe they hadn’t met. I assumed they had based on the amount of talks they had done together. Teacher Ray stated in one of his interviews or teachings (I’d need to look it up again), that basically we all get things wrong and that Visser was something ‘Dr’ Wickstrom got wrong. As I remember, the point for teacher Ray was about the identity message, YHWH instead of Jesus… which Dr Wickstrom was claiming Visser was getting and teacher Ray claiming he wasn’t. Teacher Ray may well have had other issues with Visser? I think we can safely say teacher Ray had it right on Visser. I asked here as I came across the posts and just never got why someone of ‘Dr’ Wickstrom’s intelligence and life experience could not see through Visser, so thought I’d look for some ideas. I was suspicious of Visser when I first came to identity around 8 years ago, well prior to having seen his somewhat dubious Caucasian looks (to put things politely). Maybe ‘Dr’ Wickstrom just played along with Visser as Visser flattered his ego big time, humility was not one of his strong points, but that wouldn’t explain why he stated to teacher Ray that Visser was understanding the message and the theology behind identity as well as having him as an allie, as teacher Ray was a close friend. So, maybe he just could not see the obvious, which brings us back to, why not? Stevie Wonder could see through Visser and based on where Visser ended up and teacher Ray getting ‘Dr’ Wickstrom’s platform it seems everyone associated with ‘Dr’ Wickstrom could see through him too. What was going on with Dr Wickstrom then remains a mystery to me with regards to Visser. Thanks for your input, I appreciate it. Certainly glad to have come across your website too.

          • Christian Identity has always been a religious sect short on followers. In earlier days especially, people in CI were far more lenient toward the kind of people they accepted into their communities than they are now, simply because they were desperate to boost their numbers. All someone had to do to gain acceptance in most CI communities was to say Jews are of the devil, and whites are of God.

            Even half-bearded lunatic Martin Lindstedt was accepted by many. I remember Bill Finck chatting with the guy for close to five hours on one edition of his podcast. One needed only to read some of the utterly deranged commentary on Lindstedt’s online forum to see that he was racial and spiritual poison. But a lot of people in CI, those who should have known better, welcomed him with open arms. A situation that thankfully didn’t last long.

            I co-hosted a podcast with Jeromy Visser for over a year and found myself in the bizarre position of having to talk a supposed CI pastor (Visser) from having friendly conversations with people he knew were Jews on his podcast. A Jew called Paul Demsky in particular. I ought to have cut ties with the scumbag immediately but didn’t because I considered him a friend and thought he would soon see the error of his ways. Wolves of course never see the error of his ways.

            Emotional ties, financial donations, the need for fellowship in a community where fellowship can be so hard to find at times, and, as you mentioned, the stroking of one’s ego, are all reasons why some people in CI are often blind to the wolves in their midst. Wickstrom, alas, was a deeply flawed man who had stopped walking in the Spirit (there are some who would argue that he never walked in the Spirit) and spent the final chapter of his life in communion with a child of Satan for probably several of those reasons.

          • “Wickstrom, alas, was a deeply flawed man who had stopped walking in the Spirit (there are some who would argue that he never walked in the Spirit) and spent the final chapter of his life in communion with a child of Satan for probably several of those reasons.”

            Any links to information on the alleged negative aspects of of ‘Dr’ Wickstrom would be appreciated. He played a very significant part in my awakening, however I always had a feeling that something wasn’t right. William Fink put out an interesting post, (, but apart from that and my own logic there are only hit pieces from sources that clearly can’t be trusted on anything e.g. The Southern Poverty Law Center and so on… I am not looking to dig up dirt on the man, I simply want to know who he really was, what he was really about. Flaws in his teaching I can work on myself. You need to tread very carefully in identity. Snakes in the grass all over the place, you need eyes in the back of your head. Backbiting is a common theme. I’m just looking for people that can be trusted as teachers, brothers… The child of satan you refer to above, would that be Kathy Kallstrom? You mean physically as in being a John 8.44? Or spiritually, or both? Any chance you would mind sending me an email. I’d prefer to keep this more private. My intentions are honest, whatever we communicate is between us. If you choose not to I respect your decision.

          • The child of Satan is Jeromy Visser. And, yes, I do mean he is a physical child as per John 8:44.

            Pastors Eli James (Eurofolk Radio) and Dan Johns (By Yahweh’s Design) both had dealings with Wickstrom, whom they met in person, and have recounted the problems they had with him in a number of podcasts they’ve done. You’ll have to contact them to get links to those podcasts.

            There would be little point in our continuing this via email, as I’ve told you pretty much all I know about Wickstrom.

  • Wickstrom used to have a few people in northern Wisconsin when I lived in that state. A defector told me that besides Wick getting divorced and remarrying, he had a few informants in his little Posse Comitatus militia

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